One of our core areas of activity is offering SCA coffee courses. With regard to barista training, we are authorised to issue the foundation, intermediate and professional level barista certification.
In these three courses that train your barista skills, you’ll learn to distinguish between the various settings of your coffee grinder and your espresso machine, different techniques of treating the milk, latte art, about health and security at the workplace as well as common business practices applied in the world of coffee.

In order to take up the intermediate level course, it is recommendable to have at least one year of practical experience in the field. During this coffee certification providing course, you’ll learn in more detail about the varieties and origins of coffee and will also focus on different coffee preparation methods, with special attention on drinks associated with the term latte art. But not only, we shall also delve into the texture of the grind and the time of extraction. After successfully taking the practical tests and final exam, you’ll be issued a SCA Barista Intermediate certificate.
For this professional level course, you must have first obtained the intermediate level. Your barista trainer shall go even further regarding the specificities of coffee and thus will address the more scientific side of the topic, for instance, how to correctly extract an espresso or how the roast affects the potential flavours, if to just name a few. We will also learn more about the proper use of milk, but also water. After successfully completing practical tests and one final exam, you’ll be issued a SCABarista Professional certificate.
+351 919 546 671
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A coffee school brought to you by coffee makers, with SCA ‑ Specialty Coffee Association approval and certification.